Vpopulus Wikia

The amount of damage done by a citizen is determined by the following formula.

Damage = Weapon Bonus * (1 + (Rank/5)) * Strength * (1 + (Wellness - 25) / 100) * 2

Weapons bonus = 1 + (Weapon quality / 5)

Note that fighting with no weapon (bare hands), the bonus reduces to a factor of 0.5

Rank is the player's military rank. Rank points are earned based upon accumulated damage done.

Strength is the player's strength which is gained by training.

Example 1

A player with a rank of 2 and a strength of 1.5 and wellness of 80, fights with no weapon.

Damage = Weapon Bonus * (1 + (Rank/5)) * Strength * (1 + (Wellness - 25) / 100) * 2

= 0.5 * (1+2/5) * 1.5 * (1+(80-25)/100) * 2

= 3.26

Example 2

A player with a rank of 3 and a strength of 2.5 and wellness of 100, fights with Q5 weapon.

Damage = Weapon Bonus * (1 + (Rank/5)) * Strength * (1 + (Wellness - 25) / 100) * 2

= 2.0 * (1+3/5) * 2.5 * (1+(100-25)/100) * 2

= 28.0
